Social calls of the Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri)

Recordings from 2024

To listen to social calls of the Leisler's bat, you can visit the files of this list on Xeno Canto.

These type C.d1 male advertisement social calls were recorded in a residential area surrounded by a wooded area. The calls are suspected to be emitted while in flight. The Leisler's bat usually emits advertisement calls during a songflight up to 300 meters from the roost (Middleton et al., 2022). In comparison to the common noctule (Nyctalus noctula), the advertisement social calls are shorter in duration and with a descending FM effect.

The white arrows indicate the advertisement calls in the following snippits:

Date of recordings: 2024-09-16          Recorded by: Douwe van der Wijk          Audio files: 935427, 935408 

All recordings are licensed under the following Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 license and in courtesy of Sarah Mahie.
All sonograms are screenshots of the recordings imported in the ultrasound analysis software BatExplorer 2.2 (Elekon, Switzerland). 


Literature list:

- Neil Middleton, Andrew Froud and Keith French (2022). Social Calls of the Bats of Britain and Ireland (second edition). Pelagic Publishing.